We set up a 360° strategy highlighting the town of Ottignies-Louvain-La-neuve and the various artists involved in the Fresh Paint project.
Among our missions:

· Press campaign (local & regional media)
· Digital communication plan (Facebook & Instagram)
· Audiovisual production (3 videos + photo shoot)
· Website design

  • Client

    Fresh Paint

  • Mission

    Public relations, consultancy

Press campaign

To get the word out about the Fresh Paint street-art project, we worked on a public relations campaign. Between the local, national and specialized press, it’s a colorful assortment that comes out of this adventure. In addition to designing the murals, we were able to communicate on the press conference and exhibition retracing the project, the closing event and the artists themselves.

Digital communication plan

During the three phases of the Fresh Paint project, the graffiti artists’ murals brightened up the town’s walls… and fed a veritable digital museum: the @freshpaintolln social media accounts.During the three phases of the project, Nonante Cinq supported communication on social media, generating over 100 publications that reached more than 250,000 people.

Audiovisual production

Throughout the Fresh Paint project, photographers and film-makers took turns immortalizing the murals that brightened up the streets of Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve. From the various stages of each painting to the final results, and including the artists in action, the photos and videos of the project gave the curious an idea of the work accomplished… before they went there!

Web design

To centralize all practical information concerning the project, we created a website for the Fresh Paint operation. Presenting the project, the artists, the partners and the gallery, all the elements are there for all those involved and curious to find their way around easily.

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