AIDS Prevention Platform

Our collaboration with the AIDS Prevention Platform took place in two phases. Firstly, we carried out a complete analysis of the channels used by the Platform for its communications. Secondly, a 360° campaign was piloted by the agency.

  • Client

    Plateforme Prévention SIDA

  • Mission

    Audit, Advertising campaign

First step

Digital audit of the Platform

Firstly, the digital audit consisted in carrying out a complete analysis of the various channels used by the Platform for its communication. We conducted an in-depth analysis of the Platform’s social media channels, website, editorial content, visual communication, moderation, etc. We then formulated concrete recommendations for content (creative ideas, benchmarking, communication plan, publication times and frequency, website optimization, presence on other platforms). We also advised the Platform closely in the search for a profile to hire for the position of communications manager.

Second stage

360 campaign

Secondly, we piloted a 360 campaign to mark World AIDS Day. We worked on a campaign concept and its visual applications, as well as a digital strategy for the online campaign, the production of a radio spot and the set-up of partnerships with influencers. Our watchwords: bright colors, a positive message and real-life situations!

We also set up partnerships with several influencers.

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