BIJ called on us to set up a campaign to promote their DiscoverEU program among 18-year-olds in French-speaking Belgium. The aim of the campaign was to increase the number of participants in BIJ’s competition to win Interrail passes worth €300 for 18-year-olds. Before then, communication around the project was managed internally, via sponsored publications.

  • Client


  • Mission

    Public relations, Graphic production

Press campaign

To reach young people and bring the competition to their attention, we set up a tailor-made media campaign. In particular, we selected general-interest media consulted both by the young people themselves and by those around them. Our results included a Belga dispatch, television reports on Tipik and On n’est pas des pigeons, articles in the press (Sudinfo, Guido, Le Vif Week-end,, Paris Match) and radio appearances (Radio Contact, Fun Radio…).


They talked about it

Creative campaign

Our agency developed a content strategy to adapt the communication to the target audience, in particular by using the codes of 18-year-olds, which was the main argument and the primary criteria for taking part in the contest. For the campaign concept, we relied on a clear, effective message that was translated into several forms. The campaign ran on BIJ’s various social media networks, and considerably increased the number of young people taking part in the competition, reaching over 87,000 unique accounts.

Creative campaign 2

We carried out a second assignment for BIJ that was more or less the same as the first. The constraints remain the same, but the creative concept varies.

Digital audit

We completed our mission by carrying out a digital audit to take stock of all the Bureau International de la Jeunesse’s communication channels. In addition to our in-depth analysis of their social networks, website, editorial content and visual communication, we also proposed concrete recommendations to the BIJ team.

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